Eggvocado Nearly most of your daily saturated fatBut a powerful and satisfying small meal Ingredients Wholewheat bread (1 slice)Vinegar (1 Tbsp)Avocado (1)Sun dried tomatoes (4 pieces)Rocket/Arugula (handful)Eggs (2) Method Scoop out and chop up an avocado Chop up 4 pieces of sun dried tomato Crack one egg into a cup Boil a kettle Pour hot water into saucepan and add 1 Tbsp of vinegar Turn on the heat and get the water bubbling Use a spoon to stir the water quickly to create a whirlpool Drop the egg into the centre and cook for 3 minutes And repeat with the second egg Make a slice of toast Add avocado to the toast Add the 4 pieces of sun dried tomato Top with the eggs and the rocket or parsley